Contact Information
Scott MacDougall-ShackletonTel: 519-661-2111 x84629
Francis BoonTel: 519-661-2111 x84625
Fax. 519-850-2923
Publications in peer-reviewed journals and books:
- Brenman-Suttner, D. B., S. Q. Long, V. Kamisan, J. N. de Belle, R. T. Yost, R. L. Kanippayoor and A. F. Simon (2018). "Progeny of old parents have increased social space in drosophila melanogaster." Scientific Reports(8): 3673.
- Boyd RJ, Kelly TR, MacDougall-Shackleton SA & EA MacDougall-Shackleton. (2018). Alternative reproductive strategies in white-throated sparrows are associated with differences in parasite load following experimental infection. Biology Letters 14: 20180194
- Carvalho-Paulo, D., Magalhães, N. G. de M., Miranda, D. de A., Diniz, D.G., Henrique, E.P., Moraes, I.A.M., Pereira, P.D.C., de Melo, M.A.D., de Lima, C.M., de Oliveira, M.A., Guerreiro-Diniz, C., Sherry, D.F. & Diniz, C.W.P. (2018) Hippocampal astrocytes in migrating and wintering semipalmated sandpiper Calidris pusilla. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 11, doi: 10.3389/fnana.2017.00126
- Diez, A., A. Cui & S.A. MacDougall-Shackleton (2018) The neural response of female zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) to conspecific, heterospecific, and isolate song depends on early-life song exposure. Behavioral Processes. In Press
- Eng, M.L., V. Winter, J.E. Elliott, S.A. MacDougall-Shackleton & T.D. Williams (2018) Embryonic exposure to environmentally relevant concentrations of a brominated flame retardant reduces the size of song-control nuclei in a songbird. Developmental Neurobiology. 78: 799-806
- Grieves LA, Kelly TR, Bernards MA & EA MacDougall-Shackleton (2018). Preen oil wax ester composition is altered by malarial infection in songbirds: results from an experimental study. Auk 135: 767-776
- Guglielmo, C.G. (2018). Obese super athletes: fat-fueled migration in birds and bats. Journal of Experimental Biology 221:jeb165753
- Kelly TR, Bonner SJ, MacDougall-Shackleton SA & EA MacDougall-Shackleton (2018). Exposing migratory sparrows to Plasmodium suggests costs of resistance, not necessarily of infection itself. Journal of Experimental Zoology A 329: 5-14. (Cover image).
- Ma, Y., B.A. Branfireun, K.A. Hobson and C.G. Guglielmo. (2018). Evidence of negative seasonal carry-over effects of breeding ground mercury exposure on survival of migratory songbirds. Journal of Avian Biology 49:e01656
- Ma, Y., C.R. Perez, B.A. Branfireun and C.G. Guglielmo. (2018). Dietary exposure to methylmercury affects flight endurance in a migratory songbird. Environmental Pollution 234:894-901
- McGuire, L.P., L.A. Kelly, D.E. Baloun, W.A. Boyle, T.L. Cheng, J. Clerc, N.W. Fuller, A.R. Gerson, K.A. Jonasson, E.J. Rogers, A.S. Sommers and C.G. Guglielmo. (2018). Common condition indices are no more effective than body mass for estimating fat stores in insectivorous bats. Journal of Mammalogy 99:1065–1071
- Morbey, Y.E., C.G. Guglielmo, P. Taylor, I. Maggini, J. Deakin, S. Mackenzie. J.M. Brown, and L. Zhao. (2018). Evaluation of sex differences in the stopover behavior and postdeparture movements of wood-warblers. Behav. Ecol. 29:117-127. doi: 10.1093/beheco/arx123
- Phelps, J.D., Strang, C.G., Gbylik-Sikorska, M., Sniegocki, T., Posyniak, A. & Sherry, D.F. (2018). Imidacloprid slows the development of preference for rewarding food sources in bumblebees (Bombus impatiens). Ecotoxicology 27, 175-187
- Sherry, D.F. & Guigueno, M.F. (2018). Cognition and the brain of brood parasitic cowbirds. Integrative Zoology. doi: 10.1111/1749-4877.12312
- Wada, H., B. Kriengwatana, T. Steury & S.A. MacDougall-Shackleton (2018) Incubation temperature influences sex ratio and offspring’s body composition in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Canadian Journal of Zoology. 96: 1010-1015 []
- Yap, K.N., M.F. Dick, C.G. Guglielmo and T.D. Williams. (2018). Effects of experimental manipulation of hematocrit and hemoglobin on exercise performance in high and low altitude conditions. Journal of Experimental Biology (in press).
- Berchtold, A., I. Nightingale, C. Vandermeer & S.A. MacDougall-Shackleton (2017) Experimental temperature manipulations alter songbird autumnal nocturnal migratory restlessness. Animal Migration. 4: 1-7
- Bingman, V.P. & S.A. MacDougall-Shackleton (2017) The avian hippocampus and the hypothetical maps used by navigating migratory birds (with some reflection on compasses and migratory restlessness). Journal of Comparative Physiology A. 203: 465-474 [doi:10.1007/s00359-017-1161-0]
- Bradley, S., M.F. Dick, C.G. Guglielmo and A.V. Timoshenko. (2017). Seasonal and flight-related variation of galectin expression in heart, liver and flight muscles of yellow-rumped warblers (Setophaga coronata). Glycoconjugate Journal DOI 10.1007/s10719-017-9779-2.
- Bursian, S.J., D. Cacela, F. Cunningham, K.M. Dean, B.S. Dorr, C. Ellis, C.G. Guglielmo, K.C. Hanson-Dorr, K.E. Harr, K.A. Healy, M. Hooper, K.E. Horak, J.P. Isanhart, L.V. Kennedy, J.E. Link, I. Maggini, J.K. Moye, C.R. Perez, C.A. Pritsos, S.A. Shriner, K. Trust and P. Tuttle. (2017). Overview of avian toxicity studies for the Deepwater Horizon Natural Resource Damage Assessment. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 142:1-7.
- Bursian, S.J., K.M. Dean, K.E. Harr, L.V. Kennedy, J.E. Link, I. Maggini, C. Pritsos, K.L. Pritsos, R.E. Schmidt and C.G. Guglielmo. (2017). Effect of oral exposure to artificially weathered Deepwater Horizon crude oil on hematology and plasma chemistries, hepatic antioxidant enzyme activity, organ weights and histopathology in western sandpipers (Calidris mauri). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 146:91-97.
- Dean, K.M., D. Cacela, M.W. Carney, F.L. Cunningham, C. Ellis, A.R. Gerson, C.G. Guglielmo, K.C. Hanson-Dorr, K.E. Harr, K.A. Healy, K.E. Horak, J.P. Isanhart, L.V. Kennedy, J.E. Link, I. Lipton, A.K. McFadden, J.K. Moye, C.R. Perez, C.A. Pritsos, K.L. Pritsos, T. Muthumalage, S.A. Shriner and S.J. Bursian. (2017). Testing of an oral dosing technique for double-crested cormorants, Phalacocorax auritus, laughing gulls, Leucophaeus atricilla, homing pigeons, Columba livia, and western sandpipers, Calidris mauri, with artificially weathered MC252 Oil. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 146:11-18.
- Guglielmo, C.G., A.R. Gerson, E.R. Price and Q.R. Hays. (2017). The effects of dietary macronutrients on flight ability and fuel metabolism of Yellow-rumped Warblers (Setophaga coronata) Journal of Avian Biology 48:133–148 (Invited for Thomas Alerstam Special Issue).
- Guigueno, M.F. & Sherry, D.F. (2017). Hippocampus and spatial memory in brood parasitic cowbirds. In: Soler, M. (Ed.) Avian brood parasitism: Behaviour, ecology, evolution and coevolution (pp. 203-217). Springer: Berlin.
- Guitar, N.A., Strang, C.G., Course, C.J. & Sherry, D.F. (2017). Chickadees neither win-shift nor win-stay when foraging. Animal Behaviour 133, 73-82.
- Kelly TR, MacGillivray HL, Hobson KA, MacDougall-Shackleton SA & EA MacDougall-Shackleton. (2017). Immune profiles vary seasonally, but are not significantly related to variation in migration distance or natal dispersal, in a migratory songbird. Journal of Experimental Zoology A 327: 284-292.
- Kennedy, L.V., Y.E. Morbey, S.A. Mackenzie, P.D. Taylor, and C.G. Guglielmo. (2017). A field test of the effects of body composition analysis by quantitative magnetic resonance of body composition analysis on songbird stopover behaviour. J. Ornithol. 158:593-601. doi:10.1007/s10336-016-1399-2
- Magalhães, M., Diniz, C.G., Diniz, D.G., Henrique, E.P., Corrêa Pereira, P.D., Moraes, I.A.M., de Melo, M.A.D., Sherry, D.F., & Diniz, C.W.P. (2017). Hippocampal neurogenesis and volume in migrating and wintering semipalmated sandpipers (Calidris pusilla). PLOS ONE 12, e0179134.
- Maggini, I., L.V. Kennedy, *A. Macmillan, K.H. Elliott, K. Dean and C.G. Guglielmo. (2017). Light oiling of feathers increases flight energy expenditure in a migratory shorebird. Journal of Experimental Biology 220:2372-2379 (Cover Feature).
- Maggini, I., L.V. Kennedy, *A. Macmillan, K.H. Elliott, R. MacCurdy, C.A. Pritsos, K. Dean and C.G. Guglielmo. (2017). Trouble on takeoff: crude oil on feathers impairs escape performance of shorebirds. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 141:171-177.
- Maggini, I., L.V. Kennedy, S.J. Bursian, K.M. Dean, A.R. Gerson, K.E. Harr, J.E. Link, C. Pritsos, K.L. Pritsos and C.G. Guglielmo. (2017). Toxicological and thermoregulatory effects of feather contamination with artificially weathered MC 252 crude oil in western sandpipers (Calidris mauri). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 146:118-128.
- Moser-Purdy, C., S.A. MacDougall-Shackleton, F. Bonier, B. Graham, A. Boyer & D.J. Mennill (2017) Male song sparrows have elevated testosterone in response to neighbors versus strangers. Hormones and Behavior. 93: 47-52.
- Sherry, D. F. (2017) Food storing and memory. In: ten Cate, C. & Healy, S.D. (Eds) Avian Cognition (pp. 52-74). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge UK.
- Sherry, D.F. Grella, S.L., Guigueno, M.F., White, D.J. & Marrone, D.F. (2017). Are there place cells in the avian hippocampus? Brain Behavior & Evolution 90, 73-80.
- Taylor, P.D., T.L. Crewe, S.A. Mackenzie, D. Lepage, Z. Crysler, C.G. Guglielmo, D.J. Hamilton, R.L. Holberton, P.H. Loring, D.R. Norris, J. Paquet, R.A. Ronconi, J. Smetzer, L. Welch, and B.K. Woodworth. (2017). The Motus Wildlife Tracking System: a collaborative research network to enhance the understanding of wildlife movement. Avian Conservation and Ecology 12:
- Vézina, F., A.R. Gerson, C.G. Guglielmo and T. Piersma. (2017). The performing animal: causes and consequences of body remodeling and metabolic adjustments in red knots facing contrasting thermal environments. American Journal of Physiology – Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 313:R120–R131.
- Walters B.T., T.N Cheng, J.D., C.G. Guglielmo, M. Clinchy and L.Y. Zanette. (2017). Too important to tamper with: predation risk affects body mass and escape behaviour but not escape ability. Functional Ecology 31:1405-1417 (nominated for BES Haldane Early Researcher Award).
- Walters, B. T., Cheng, T. N. N., Doyle, J., Guglielmo, C. G., Clinchy, M., & Zanette, L. Y. (2017). Too important to tamper with: predation risk affects body mass and escape behaviour but not escape ability. Functional Ecology.
- Bairlien, F., Norris, D.R., Voight, C.C., Dunn, E.H. & Hussell D.J.T. (2016) Using stable-hydrogen isotopes to reveal immigration in an Arctic-breeding songbird population. Movement Ecology 4, 16.
- Derbyshire, R., Strickland, D. and Norris, D.R. (2015) Experimental evidence and 43 years of monitoring data support the food limitation hypothesis in a boreal food-caching passerine. Ecology 96, 3005-3015.
- Diniz, C.G., Magalhães, N.G. de M., Diniz, D.G., Pereira, P.D.C., Paulo, D.C., Rendeiro, F.R., Sherry, D.F. and Diniz, C.W.P. (2016). Domestic dogs as nest predators of Wilson’s plover (Charadrius wilsonia) in northeastern Brazil. Revista da Biologia 16, 24-27.
- Dossman, B.C., Mitchell, G.W., Norris, D.R., Taylor, P.D., Guglielmo, C.G., Matthews, S.N. and Rodewald, P.G. (2016) The effects of wind and energy stores on the likelihood of departure prior to and following the crossing of a migratory barrier. Behavioural Ecology 27, 567-574.
- Farrell, T.M., Morgan, A. and MacDougall-Shackleton, S.A. (2016) Developmental stress impairs performance on an association task in male and female songbirds, but impairs auditory learning in females only. Animal Cognition. 19: 1-14 [doi:10.1007/s10071-015-0908-7]
- Guigueno, M.F., MacDougall-Shackleton, S.M. and Sherry, D.F. (2016a) Sex and seasonal differences in hippocampal volume and neurogenesis in brood-parasitic brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater). Developmental Neurobiology. DOI: 10.1002/dneu.22421.
- Guigueno, M.F., Sherry, D.F. and MacDougall-Shackleton, S.M. (2016b). Sex and seasonal differences in neurogenesis and volume of the song-control system are associated with song in brood-parasitic and non-brood-parasitic icterid songbirds. Developmental Neurobiology DOI: 10.1002/dneu.22385.
- Kelly, T.R., MacGillivray, H.L., Sarquis-Adamson, Y., Watson, M.J., Hobson, K.A. and MacDougall-Shackleton, E.A. (2016) Seasonal migration distance varies with natal dispersal and predicts parasitic infection in song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, doi 10.1007/s00265-016-2191-2.
- Lymburner, A.H., Kelly, T.R., Hobson, K.A., MacDougall-Shackleton, E.A. and MacDougall-Shackleton, S.A. (2016) Testosterone, migration distance, and migratory timing in song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). Hormones and Behavior. 85: 102-107. [doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2016.06.013]
- Pakkala, J.J., Norris, D.R., Sedinger, J.S. & Newman, A.E.M. (2016) Experimental effects of early-life corticosterone on the HPA axis and pre-migratory behaviour in a wild songbird. Functional Ecology 30, 1149-1160.
- Potvin, D.A., Curcio, M.T., Swaddle, J.P. and MacDougall-Shackleton, S.A. (2016) Experimental exposure to urban and pink noise affects brain development and song learning in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). PeerJ. 4:e2287 [doi: 10.7717/peerj.2287]
- Sarquis-Adamson, Y. and MacDougall-Shackleton, E.A. (2016) Song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) have a home-field advantage in defending against sympatric malarial parasites. Royal Society Open Science, DOI: 10.1098/rsos.160216.
- Taves, M.D., Losie, J.A., Rahim, T., Schmidt, K.L., Sandkam, B.A., Ma, C., Silversides, F.G., Soma, K.K. (2016). Locally elevated cortisol in lymphoid organs of the developing zebra finch but not Japanese quail or chicken. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 54, 116-125.
- Woodworth, B.K., Newman, A.E.M., Turbek, S.P., Dossman, B.C., Hobson, K.A., Wassenaar, L.I., Mitchell, G.W., Wheelwright, N.T. & Norris, D.R. (2016) Differential migration and the link between winter latitude, timing of migration and breeding in a songbird. Oecologia 181, 413-422.
- Cooper-Mullin, C., S.R. McWilliams. (2016). Response of the antioxidant system to intense endurance exercise: lessons from migrating birds. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY 219:3684-3695.
- Diniz, C.G., Magalhães, N.G.M., Sousa, A.A., Santos Filho, C., Diniz, D.G., Lima, C.M., Oliveira, M.A., Paulo, D.C., Pereira, P.D.C., Sherry, D.F. & Diniz, C.W. (2016). Microglia and neurons in the hippocampus of migratory sandpipers. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 49, e5005.
- Grella, S.L., Guigueno, M.F., White, D.J., Sherry, D.F., & Marrone, D.F. (2016). Context-dependent Egr1 expression in the avian hippocampus. PLOS ONE 11, e0164333.
- Gurka, R., K. Krishnamoorthy, A.J. Kirchhefer, G.A. Kopp and C.G. Guglielmo. (2016). Flow pattern similarities in the near wake of three bird species suggest a common role for unsteady aerodynamic effects in lift generation. Royal Society Interface Focus 7: 20160090 (Invited Special Issue).
- Jonasson K.A. and C.G. Guglielmo. (2016). Sex differences in spring migration timing and body composition of Lasionycteris noctivagans. Journal of Mammalogy 97:1535–1542.
- Martinez del Rio, C., S.R. McWilliams. (2016). How essential fats affect bird performance and link aquatic ecosystems and terrestrial consumers. PROCEEDINGS OF NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 113(43): 11988-11990.
- Skrip, M., S.R. McWilliams. (2016). Oxidative balance in birds: an atoms-to-organisms-to-ecology primer for ornithologists. J. Field Ornithology 87:1-20.
- DeLuca, W. V., Woodworth, B. K., Rimmer, C. C., Marra, P. P., Taylor, P. D., McFarland, K. P., Mackenzie, S. A. and Norris, D. R. (2015). Transoceanic migration by a 12 g songbird. Biology Letters 11.
- Fairhurst, G. D., Berzins, L. L., Bradley, D. W., Laughlin, A. J., Romano, A., Romano, M., Scandolara, C., Ambrosini, R., Dawson, R. D., Dunn, P. O. et al. (2015). Assessing costs of carrying geolocators using feather corticosterone in two species of aerial insectivore. Royal Society Open Science 2, 150004-150004.
- Farrell, T., Kriengwatana, B. and MacDougall-Shackleton, S. A. (2015a). Developmental stress and correlated cognitive traits in songbirds. Comparative Cognition and Behavior Reviews 10, 1-23.
- Farrell, T. M., Morgan, A., Sarquis-Adamson, Y. and MacDougall-Shackleton, S. A. (2015b). Effects of early-developmental stress on growth rates, body composition and developmental plasticity of the HPG-axis. General and Comparative Endocrinology 222, 134-143.
- Farrell, T. M., Neuert, M. A. C., Cui, A. and MacDougall-Shackleton, S. A. (2015c). Developmental stress impairs a female songbird's behavioural and neural response to a sexually selected signal. Animal Behaviour 102, 157-167.
- Guigueno, M. F., MacDougall-Shackleton, S. A. and Sherry, D. F. (2015). Sex differences in spatial memory in brown-headed cowbirds: Males outperform females on a touchscreen task. PLoS ONE 10, e0128302.
- Gumus, A., Lee, S., Ahsan, S. S., Karlsson, K., Gabrielson, R., Guglielmo, C. G., Winkler, D. W. and Erickson, D. (2015). Lab-on-a-bird: Biophysical monitoring of flying birds. PLoS ONE 10(4), e0123947.
- Kriengwatana, B., Farrell, T. M., Aitken, S. D. T., Garcia, L. and MacDougall-Shackleton, S. A. (2015). Early-life nutritional stress affects associative learning and spatial memory but not performance on a novel object test. Behaviour 152, 195-218.
- Kriengwatana, B. and MacDougall-Shackleton, S. A. (2015). No trade-offs between lipid stores and structural growth in juvenile zebra finches undergoing nutritional stress during development. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 88, 208-215.
- MacDougall-Shackleton, S. A. (2015). Developmental stress and birdsong: integrating signal function and development. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 6, 104-110.
- Marshall, T.J., Dick, M.F. and Guglielmo, C.G. (2015). Seasonal dietary shifting in songbirds is not caused by changing nutritional targets. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 192, 57–63.
- Mitchell, G.W., Guglielmo, C.G., and Hobson, K.A. (2015) Measurement of whole body CO2 production in birds using real-time laser-derived measurements of hydrogen (δ2H) and oxygen (δ18O) isotope concentrations in water vapor from breath. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 88(6), 599–606.
- Mitchell, G.W., Woodworth, B.K., Taylor, P.D. and Norris, D.R. (2015) Age specific differences in flight duration and groundspeed are driven by wind conditions aloft: an automated telemetry study. Movement Ecology 3, 19.
- Potvin, D. A., Crawford, P. W., MacDougall-Shackleton, S. A. and MacDougall-Shackleton, E. A. (2015). Song repertoire size, not territory location, predicts reproductive success and territory tenure in a migratory songbird. Canadian Journal of Zoology 93, 627-633.
- Potvin, D. A. and MacDougall-Shackleton, S. A. (2015). Experimental chronic noise exposure affects adult song in zebra finches. Animal Behaviour 107, 201-207.
- Potvin, D. A. and MacDougall‐Shackleton, S. A. (2015). Traffic noise affects embryo mortality and nestling growth rates in captive zebra finches. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A 323, 722-730.
- Schmidt, K. L., Kubli, S. P., MacDougall-Shackleton, E. A. and MacDougall-Shackleton, S. A. (2015). Early-life stress has sex-specific effects on immune function in adult song sparrows. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 88, 183-194.
- Shafer, M. W., MacCurdy, R., Shipley, J. R., Winkler, D., Guglielmo, C. G. and Garcia, E. (2015). The case for energy harvesting on wildlife in flight. Smart Materials and Structures 24, 025031 (12pp).
- Sherry, D. F. and MacDougall-Shackleton, S. A. (2015). Seasonal change in the avian hippocampus. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology 37, 158-167.
- Skrip, M., Bauchinger, U., Goymann, W., Fusani, L., Cardinale, M., Alan, R. and McWilliams, S.R. (2015). Migrating songbirds on stopover prepare for, and recover from, oxidative challenges posed by long-distance flight. Ecology and Evolution, 5(15), 3198-3209.
- Stanlov, O., Ben-Gida, H., Kirchhefer, A.J., Guglielmo, C.G., Kopp, G.A., Liberzon, A. and Gurka, R. (2015) On the estimation of time dependent lift of a European starling (Sturnus vulgaris) during flapping flight. Plos One 10(9), e0134582.
- Wada, H., Kriengwatana, B., Allen, N., Schmidt, K. L., Soma, K. K. and MacDougall-Shackleton, S. A. (2015). Transient and permanent effects of suboptimal incubation temperatures on growth, metabolic rate, immune function and adrenocortical responses in zebra finches. Journal of Experimental Biology 218, 2847-2855.
- Woodworth, B. K., Mitchell, G. W., Norris, D. R., Francis, C. M. and Taylor, P. D. (2015). Patterns and correlates of songbird movements at an ecological barrier during autumn migration assessed using landscape- and regional-scale automated radiotelemetry. Ibis 157, 326-339
- Swan, D. C., Zanette, L. Y., & Clinchy, M. (2015). Brood parasites manipulate their hosts: experimental evidence for the farming hypothesis. Animal Behaviour, 105, 29-35.
- Sherry, D. F. and Strang, C. G. (2015). Contrasting styles in cognition and behaviour in bumblebees and honeybees. Behavioural Processes 117, 59-69.
- Austin, C. J., Guglielmo, C. G. and Moehring, A. J. (2014). A direct test of the effects of changing atmospheric pressure on the mating behavior of Drosophila melanogaster. Evolutionary Ecology 28, 535-544.
- Bradley, D. W., Clark, R. G., Dunn, P. O., Laughlin, A. J., Taylor, C. M., Vleck, C., Whittingham, L. A., Winkler, D. W. and Norris, D. R. (2014). Trans-Gulf of Mexico loop migration of tree swallows revealed by solar geolocation. Current Zoology 60, 653-659.
- Brown, J. M., McCabe, B. J., Kennedy, L. V. and Guglielmo, C. G. (2014). Genetically-based behavioural morph affects stopover refuelling performance in white-throated sparrows Zonotrichia albicollis. Journal of Avian Biology 45, 522-527.
- Coon, C. A. C., Brace, A. J., McWilliams, S. R., McCue, M. D. and Martin, L. B. (2014). Introduced and native congeners use different resource allocation strategies to maintain performance during infection. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 87, 559-567.
- Gomez, J., Michelson, C. I., Bradley, D. W., Norris, D. R., Berzins, L. L., Dawson, R. D. and Clark, R. G. (2014). Effects of geolocators on reproductive performance and annual return rates of a migratory songbird. Journal of Ornithology 155, 37-44.
- Guigueno, M. F., Snow, D. A., MacDougall-Shackleton, S. A. and Sherry, D. F. (2014). Female cowbirds have more accurate spatial memory than males. Biology Letters 10, 20140026.
- Hall, Z. J., Bauchinger, U., Gerson, A. R., Price, E. R., Langlois, L. A., Boyles, M., Pierce, B., McWilliams, S. R., Sherry, D. F. and MacDougall-Shackleton, S. A. (2014). Site-specific regulation of adult neurogenesis by dietary fatty acid content, vitamin E and flight exercise in European starlings. European Journal of Neuroscience 39, 875-882.
- Hall, Z. J., Delaney, S. and Sherry, D. F. (2014). Inhibition of cell proliferation in black-capped chickadees suggests a role for neurogenesis in spatial learning. Developmental Neurobiology 74, 1002-1010.
- Kriengwatana, B., Wada, H., Schmidt, K. L., Taves, M. D., Soma, K. K. and Macdougall-Shackleton, S. A. (2014). Effects of nutritional stress during different developmental periods on song and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in zebra finches. Hormone and Behavior 65, 285-93.
- Kubli, S. P. and MacDougall-Shackleton, E. A. (2014). Developmental timing of signals affects information content: song complexity but not song consistency reflects innate immune strategy in male song sparrows. American Naturalist 183, 660-670.
- McGuire, L. P., Jonasson, K. A. and Guglielmo, C. G. (2014). Bats on a budget: Torpor-assisted migration saves time and energy. PLoS ONE 9.
- McWilliams, S. R. and Karasov, W. H. (2014). Spare capacity and phenotypic flexibility in the digestive system of a migratory bird: defining the limits of animal design. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 281.
- Pierce, B. J. and McWilliams, S. R. (2014). The fat of the matter: How dietary fatty acids can affect exercise performance. Integrative and Comparative Biology 54, 903-912.
- Price, E. R., McGuire, L. P., Fenton, M. B. and Guglielmo, C. G. (2014). Flight muscle carnitine palmitoyl transferase activity varies with substrate chain length and unsaturation in the hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus). Canadian Journal of Zoology 92, 173-176.
- Robertson, B. D., Hasstedt, M. R., Vandermeer, C. L. and MacDougall-Shackleton, S. A. (2014). Sex steroid-independent effects of photostimulation on the song-control system of white-throated sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis). General and Comparative Endocrinology.
- Schmidt, K. L., MacDougall-Shackleton, E. A., Kubli, S. P. and MacDougall-Shackleton, S. A. (2014a). Developmental stress, condition, and birdsong: a case study in song sparrows. Integrative and Comparative Biology 54, 568-77.
- Schmidt, K. L., MacDougall-Shackleton, E. A., Soma, K. K. and MacDougall-Shackleton, S. A. (2014b). Developmental programming of the HPA and HPG axes by early-life stress in male and female song sparrows. General and Comparative Endocrinology 196, 72-80.
- Smith, A. D. and McWilliams, S. R. (2014). Fruit removal rate depends on neighborhood fruit density, frugivore abundance, and spatial context. Oecologia 174, 931-942.
- Smith, A. D., Paton, P. W. C. and McWilliams, S. R. (2014). Using nocturnal flight calls to assess the fall migration of warblers and sparrows along a coastal ecological barrier. PLoS ONE 9.
- Strang, C. G. and Sherry, D. F. (2014). Serial reversal learning in bumblebees (Bombus impatiens). Animal Cognition 17, 723-734.
- Taylor, Z. J., Gurka, R. and Liberzon, A. (2014). PIV for biological mechanics. In: Handbook on Imaging Biological Mechanics Ed. by Neu, C. and Genin, G. CRC Press.
- Wada, H., Newman, A. E., Hall, Z. J., Soma, K. K. and MacDougall‐Shackleton, S. A. (2014). Effects of corticosterone and DHEA on doublecortin immunoreactivity in the song control system and hippocampus of adult song sparrows. Developmental Neurobiology74, 52-62.
- Alan, R. R. and McWilliams, S. R. (2013). Oxidative stress, circulating antioxidants, and dietary preferences in songbirds. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B 164, 185-193.
- Alan, R. R., McWilliams, S. R. and McGraw, K. J. (2013). The importance of antioxidants for avian fruit selection during autumn migration. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 125, 513-525.
- Ben-Gida, H., Kirchhefer, A., Taylor, Z. J., Bezner-Kerr, W., Guglielmo, C. G., Kopp, G. A. and Gurka, R. (2013). Estimation of unsteady aerodynamics in the wake of a freely flying European starling (Sturnus vulgaris). PLoS ONE 8.
- Ben-Hamo, M., McCue, M. D., Khozin-Goldberg, I., McWilliams, S. R. and Pinshow, B. (2013). Ambient temperature and nutritional stress influence fatty acid composition of structural and fuel lipids in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) tissues. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 166, 244-250.
- Bolser, J. A., Alan, R. R., Smith, A. D., Li, L., Seeram, N. P. and McWilliams, S. R. (2013). Birds select fruits with more anthocyanins and phenolic compounds during autumn migration. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 125, 97-108.
- Gerson, A. R. and Guglielmo, C. G. (2013a). Energetics and metabolite profiles during early flight in American robins (Turdus migratorius). Journal of Comparative Physiology B 183, 983-991.
- Gerson, A. R. and Guglielmo, C. G. (2013b). Measurement of glomerular filtration rate during flight in a migratory bird using a single bolus injection of FITC-inulin. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology 305, F823-F829.
- Kirchhefer, A. J., Kopp, G. A. and Gurka, R. (2013). The near wake of a freely flying European starling. Physics of Fluids 25, 051902.
- Kriengwatana, B., Wada, H., Macmillan, A. and MacDougall-Shackleton, S. A. (2013). Juvenile nutritional stress affects growth rate, adult organ mass, and innate immune function in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 86, 769-781.
- Laughlin, A. J., Taylor, C. M., Bradley, D. W., LeClair, D., Clark, R. G., Dawson, R. D., Dunn, P. O., Horn, A., Leonard, M., Sheldon, D. R. et al. (2013). Integrating information from geolocators, weather radar, and citizen science to uncover a key stopover area of an aerial insectivore. Auk 130, 230-239.
- MacDougall-Shackleton, S. A., Schmidt, K. L., Furlonger, A. A. and MacDougall-Shackleton, E. A. (2013). HPA axis regulation, survival, and reproduction in free-living sparrows: Functional relationships or developmental correlations? General and Comparative Endocrinology 190, 188-93.
- McGuire, L. P., Fenton, M. B. and Guglielmo, C. G. (2013a). Phenotypic flexibility in migrating bats: seasonal variation in body composition, organ sizes and fatty acid profiles. Journal of Experimental Biology 216, 800-808.
- McGuire, L. P., Fenton, M. B. and Guglielmo, C. G. (2013b). Seasonal upregulation of catabolic enzymes and fatty acid transporters in the flight muscle of migrating hoary bats, Lasiurus cinereus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B 165, 138-143.
- McWilliams, S. R. and Whitman, M. (2013). Non-destructive techniques to assess body composition of birds: a review and validation study. Journal of Ornithology 154, 597-618.
- Metcalfe, J., Schmidt, K. L., Bezner Kerr, W., Guglielmo, C. G. and MacDougall-Shackleton, S. A. (2013). White-throated sparrows adjust behaviour in response to manipulations of barometric pressure and temperature. Animal Behaviour 86, 1285-1290.
- Nebel, S., Buehler, D. M., MacMillan, A. and Guglielmo, C. G. (2013). Flight performance of western sandpipers, Calidris mauri, remains uncompromised when mounting an acute phase immune response. Journal of Experimental Biology 216, 2752-2759.
- Nebel, S., Buehler, D.M., Kubli, S., Lank, D.B. and Guglielmo, C.G. (2013). Does innate immune function decline with age in captive ruffs Philomachus pugnax? Animal Biology 63, 233-240.
- Pellegrino, A.C., Gomes Villalba Peñaflor, M.F., Nardi, C., Bezner-Kerr, W., Guglielmo, C.G., Simões Bento, J.M. and McNeil, J.N. (2013). Weather forecasting by insects: modified sexual behaviour in response to atmospheric pressure changes. PLoS One 8(10), e75004.
- Schmidt, K. L., Moore, S. D., MacDougall-Shackleton, E. A. and MacDougall-Shackleton, S. A. (2013). Early-life stress affects song complexity, song learning and volume of the brain nucleus RA in adult male song sparrows. Animal Behaviour 86, 25-35.
- Seewagen, C. L., Guglielmo, C. G. and Morbey, Y. E. (2013). Stopover refueling rate underlies protandry and seasonal variation in migration timing of songbirds. Behavioral Ecology 24, 634-642.
- Barrett, M. C. and Sherry, D. F. (2012). Consolidation and reconsolidation of memory in black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus). Behavioral Neuroscience 126, 809-818.
- Bauchinger, U. and McWilliams, S. R. (2012). Tissue-specific mass changes during fasting: the protein turnover hypothesis. In Comparative physiology of fasting, starvation, and food limitation., (ed. M. D. McCue), pp. 193-206. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer.
- Boyle, W. A., Winkler, D. W. and Guglielmo, C. G. (2012). Rapid loss of fat but not lean mass prior to chick provisioning supports the flight efficiency hypothesis in tree swallows. Functional Ecology 26, 895-903.
- Cohen, A. A., Martin, L. B., Wingfield, J. C., McWilliams, S. R. and Dunne, J. A. (2012). Physiological regulatory networks: ecological roles and evolutionary constraints. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 27, 428-435.
- Eng, M. L., Elliott, J. E., MacDougall-Shackleton, S. A., Letcher, R. J. and Williams, T. D. (2012). Early exposure to 2,2',4,4',5-pentabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-99) affects mating behavior of zebra finches. Toxicological Sciences 127, 269-76.
- Farrell, T. M., Weaver, K., An, Y.-S. and MacDougall-Shackleton, S. A. (2012). Song bout length is indicative of spatial learning in European starlings. Behavioral Ecology 23, 101-111.
- Furlonger, A. A., Huynh, L., Luloff, T. W., Schmidt, K. L. and MacDougall-Shackleton, S. A. (2012). Effects of supplementation with preferred foods on the reproductive axis of American Goldfiches (Spinus tristis). Canadian Journal of Zoology 90, 203-209.
- Hall, Z. J. and MacDougall-Shackleton, S. A. (2012). Influence of testosterone metabolites on song-control system neuroplasticity during photostimulation in adult European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) PLoS ONE 7, e40060.
- MacDougall-Shackleton, S. A. and Spencer, K. A. (2012). Developmental stress and birdsong: current evidence and future directions. Journal of Ornithology 153, S105-S117.
- McGuire, L. P., Guglielmo, C. G., Mackenzie, S. A. and Taylor, P. D. (2012). Migratory stopover in the long-distance migrant silver-haired bat, Lasionycteris noctivagans. Journal of Animal Ecology 81, 377-385.
- Mitchell, G. W., Wheelwright, N. T., Guglielmo, C. G. and Norris, D. R. (2012). Short- and long-term costs of reproduction in a migratory songbird. Ibis 154, 325-337.
- Nebel, S., Bauchinger, U., Buehler, D.M., Langlois, L.A., Boyles, M., Gerson, A.R., Price, E.R., McWilliams, S.R. and Guglielmo, C.G. (2012) Constitutive immune function in European starlings Sturnus vulgaris is decreased in response to endurance flight in a wind tunnel. Journal of Experimental Biology 215, 272-278.
- O'Regan, S. M., Guglielmo, C. G. and Taylor, G. M. (2012). Measurement of arthropod body composition using quantitative magnetic resonance. Invertebrate Biology 131, 216-223.
- Schmidt, K. L., Furlonger, A. A., Lapierre, J. M., MacDougall-Shackleton, E. A. and MacDougall-Shackleton, S. A. (2012a). Regulation of the HPA axis is related to song complexity and measures of phenotypic quality in song sparrows. Hormones and Behavior 61, 652-659.
- Schmidt, K. L., MacDougall-Shackleton, E. A. and MacDougall-Shackleton, S. A. (2012b). Developmental stress has sex-specific effects on nestling growth and adult metabolic rates but no effect on adult body size or body composition in song sparrows. Journal of Experimental Biology 215, 3207-3217.
- Aamidor, S. E., Bauchinger, U., Mizrahy, O., McWilliams, S. R. and Pinshow, B. (2011). During stopover, migrating blackcaps adjust behavior and intake of food depending on the content of protein in their diets. Integrative and Comparative Biology 51, 385-393.
- An, Y. S., Kriengwatana, B., Newman, A. E., MacDougall-Shackleton, E. A. and MacDougall-Shackleton, S. A. (2011). Social rank, neophobia and observational learning in black-capped chickadees. Behaviour 148, 55-69.
- Bauchinger, U., McWilliams, S. R., Kolb, H., Popenko, V. M., Price, E. R. and Biebach, H. (2011a). Flight muscle shape reliably predicts flight muscle mass of migratory songbirds: a new tool for field ornithologists. Journal of Ornithology 152, 507-514.
- Bauchinger, U., McWilliams, S. R. and Pinshow, B. (2011b). Reduced body mass gain in small passerines during migratory stopover under simulated heat wave conditions. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 158, 374-381.
- Ben-Hamo, M., McCue, M. D., McWilliams, S. R. and Pinshow, B. (2011). Dietary fatty acid composition influences tissue lipid profiles and regulation of body temperature in Japanese quail. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 181, 807-816.
- Boyle, W. A., Guglielmo, C. G., Hobson, K. A. and Norris, D. R. (2011). Lekking birds in a tropical forest forego sex for migration. Biology Letters 7, 661-663.
- Chung, D., Lloyd, G. P., Thomas, R. H., Guglielmo, C. G. and Staples, J. F. (2011). Mitochondrial respiration and succinate dehydrogenase are suppressed early during entrance into a hibernation bout, but membrane remodeling is only transient. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 181, 699-711.
- Feeney, M. C., Roberts, W. A. and Sherry, D. F. (2011a). Black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) anticipate future outcomes of foraging choices. Journal of Experimental Psychology-Animal Behavior Processes 37, 30-40.
- Feeney, M. C., Roberts, W. A. and Sherry, D. F. (2011b). Mechanisms of what-where-when memory in black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus): Do chickadees remember "when"? Journal of Comparative Psychology 125, 308-316.
- Gerson, A. R. and Guglielmo, C. G. (2011a). Flight at low ambient humidity increases protein catabolism in migratory birds. Science 333, 1434-1436.
- Gerson, A. R. and Guglielmo, C. G. (2011b). House sparrows (Passer domesticus) increase protein catabolism in response to water restriction. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology 300, R925-R930.
- Guglielmo, C. G., McGuire, L. P., Gerson, A. R. and Seewagen, C. L. (2011). Simple, rapid, and non-invasive measurement of fat, lean, and total water masses of live birds using quantitative magnetic resonance. Journal of Ornithology 152, 75-85.
- Lapierre, J. M., Mennill, D. J. and MacDougall-Shackleton, E. A. (2011). Spatial and age-related variation in use of locally common song elements in dawn singing of song sparrows Melospiza melodia: old males sing the hits. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65, 2149-2160.
- Luloff, T. W., Wishart, A. E., Addison, S. M. F., Macdougall-Shackleton, S. A. and Hill, K. A. (2011). Radiation exposure differentially affects songbird 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine plasma profiles: Ionizing radiation damage response in songbirds. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis 52, 658-63.
- MacDougall-Shackleton, E. A., Clinchy, M., Zanette, L. and Neff, B. D. (2011). Songbird genetic diversity is lower in anthropogenically versus naturally fragmented landscapes. Conservation Genetics 12, 1195-1203.
- MacDougall-Shackleton, S. A. (2011). The levels of analysis revisited. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 366, 2076-2085.
- McCue, M. D., McWilliams, S. R. and Pinshow, B. (2011a). Ontogeny and nutritional status influence oxidative kinetics of nutrients and whole-animal bioenergetics in zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata: new applications for (13)C breath testing. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 84, 32-42.
- McCue, M. D., Smith, A., McKinney, R., Rewald, B., Pinshow, B. and McWilliams, S. R. (2011b). A mass balance approach to identify and compare differential routing of C-13-labeled carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins in vivo. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 84, 506-513.
- Mizrahy, O., Bauchinger, U., Aamidor, S. E., McWilliams, S. R. and Pinshow, B. (2011). Availability of water affects renewal of tissues in migratory blackcaps during stopover. Integrative and Comparative Biology 51, 374-384.
- Munoz-Garcia, A., Aamidor, S., McCue, M., McWilliams, S. and Pinshow, B. (2011). Allocation of endogenous and dietary protein in the reconstitution of the gastrointestinal tract in migratory blackcaps, Sylvia attricapilla, at stopover sites. Integrative and Comparative Biology 51, E98-E98.
- Nunn, C., Zhao, P., Zou, M. X., Summers, K., Guglielmo, C. G. and Chidiac, P. (2011). Resistance to age-related, normal body weight gain in RGS2 deficient mice. Cellular Signalling 23, 1375-1386.
- Price, E. R., Bauchinger, U., Zajac, D. M., Cerasale, D. J., McFarlan, J. T., Gerson, A. R., McWilliams, S. R. and Guglielmo, C. G. (2011a). Migration- and exercise-induced changes to flight muscle size in migratory birds and association with IGF1 and myostatin mRNA expression. Journal of Experimental Biology 214, 2823-2831.
- Price, E. R., Staples, J. F., Milligan, C. L. and Guglielmo, C. G. (2011b). Carnitine palmitoyl transferase activity and whole muscle oxidation rates vary with fatty acid substrate in avian flight muscles. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 181, 565-573.
- Seewagen, C. L. and Guglielmo, C. G. (2011). Quantitative magnetic resonance analysis and a morphometric predictive model reveal lean body mass changes in migrating Nearctic-Neotropical passerines. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 181, 413-421.
- Seewagen, C. L., Sheppard, C. D., Slayton, E. J. and Guglielmo, C. G. (2011). Plasma metabolites and mass changes of migratory landbirds indicate adequate stopover refueling in a heavily urbanized landscape. Condor 113, 284-297.
- Sherry, D. F. (2011). The hippocampus of food-storing birds. Brain Behavior and Evolution 78, 133-135.
- Spencer, K. A. and MacDougall-Shackleton, S. A. (2011a). Indicators of development as sexually selected traits: the developmental stress hypothesis in context. Behavioral Ecology 22, 1-9.
- Spencer, K. A. and MacDougall-Shackleton, S. A. (2011b). Singing to impress: the importance of developmental stress. Behavioral Ecology 22, 14-15.
- Springer, J., Price, E. R., Thomas, R. and Guglielmo, C. G. (2011). Muscle membrane phospholipid class composition in white-throated sparrows in relation to migration. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 123, 116-120.
- Taylor, P. D., Mackenzie, S. A., Thurber, B. G., Calvert, A. M., Mills, A. M., McGuire, L. P. and Guglielmo, C. G. (2011). Landscape movements of migratory birds and bats reveal an expanded scale of stopover. PLoS ONE 6.
- Zajac, D.M., Cerasale, D.J., Landman, S. and Guglielmo, C.G. (2011) Behavioural and physiological effects of photoperiod-induced migratory state and leptin on Zonotrichia albicollis: II. Effects on fatty acid metabolism. General and Comparative Endocrinology 174, 269-275.
- Bauchinger, U., Keil, J., McKinney, R. A., Starck, J. M. and McWilliams, S. R. (2010). Exposure to cold but not exercise increases carbon turnover rates in specific tissues of a passerine. Journal of Experimental Biology 213, 526-534.
- Bauchinger, U. and McWilliams, S. R. (2010). Extent of phenotypic flexibility during long-distance flight is determined by tissue-specific turnover rates: a new hypothesis. Journal of Avian Biology 41, 603-608.
- Ben-Hamo, M., Pinshow, B., McCue, M. D., McWilliams, S. R. and Bauchinger, U. (2010). Fasting triggers hypothermia, and ambient temperature modulates its depth in Japanese quail Coturnix japonica. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 156, 84-91.
- Bowlin, M. S., Bisson, I. A., Shamoun-Baranes, J., Reichard, J. D., Sapir, N., Marra, P. P., Kunz, T. H., Wilcove, D. S., Hedenstrom, A., Guglielmo, C. G. et al. (2010). Grand Challenges in Migration Biology. Integrative and Comparative Biology 50, 261-279.
- Boyle, W. A., Norris, D. R. and Guglielmo, C. G. (2010). Storms drive altitudinal migration in a tropical bird. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 277, 2511-2519.
- Brummelte, S., Schmidt, K. L., Taves, M. D., Soma, K. K. and Galea, L. A. M. (2010). Elevated corticosterone levels in stomach milk, serum, and brain of male and female offspring after maternal corticosterone treatment in the rat. Developmental Neurobiology 70, 714-725.
- Cerasale, D. J. and Guglielmo, C. G. (2010). An integrative assessment of the effects of tamarisk on stopover ecology of a long-distance migrant along the San Pedro River, Arizona. Auk 127, 636-646.
- Guglielmo, C. G. (2010). Move that fatty acid: Fuel selection and transport in migratory birds and bats. Integrative and Comparative Biology 50, 336-345.
- Hall, Z. J., MacDougall-Shackleton, S. A., Osorio-Beristain, M. and Murphy, T. G. (2010). Male bias in the song control system despite female bias in song rate in streak-backed orioles (Icterus pustulatus). Brain Behavior and Evolution 76, 168-175.
- Langlois, L. A. and McWilliams, S. R. (2010). Protein requirements of an omnivorous and a granivorous songbird decrease during migration. Auk 127, 850-862.
- McCue, M. D., Sivan, O., McWilliams, S. R. and Pinshow, B. (2010). Tracking the oxidative kinetics of carbohydrates, amino acids and fatty acids in the house sparrow using exhaled (13)CO(2). Journal of Experimental Biology 213, 782-789.
- McGuire, L. P. and Guglielmo, C. G. (2010). Quantitative magnetic resonance: a rapid, noninvasive body composition analysis technique for live and salvaged bats. Journal of Mammalogy 91, 1375-1380.
- Newman, A. E. M., MacDougall-Shackleton, S. A., An, Y. S., Kriengwatana, B. and Soma, K. K. (2010). Corticosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone have opposing effects on adult neuroplasticity in the avian song control system. Journal of Comparative Neurology 518, 3662-3678.
- Potvin, D. A. and MacDougall-Shackleton, E. A. (2010). Paternal song complexity predicts offspring sex ratios close to fledging, but not hatching, in song sparrows. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 122, 146-152.
- Pradhan, D. S., Lau, L. Y. M., Schmidt, K. L. and Soma, K. K. (2010). 3 beta-HSD in songbird brain: subcellular localization and rapid regulation by estradiol. Journal of Neurochemistry 115, 667-675.
- Price, E. R., McFarlan, J. T. and Guglielmo, C. G. (2010). Preparing for migration? The effects of photoperiod and exercise on muscle oxidative enzymes, lipid transporters, and phospholipids in white-crowned sparrows. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 83, 252-262.
- Seewagen, C. L. and Guglielmo, C. G. (2010). Effects of fat and lean body mass on migratory landbird stopover duration. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 122, 82-87.
- Seewagen, C. L., Slayton, E. J. and Guglielmo, C. G. (2010). Passerine migrant stopover duration and spatial behaviour at an urban stopover site. Acta Oecologica 36, 484-492.
- Smith, S. B. and McWilliams, S. R. (2010). Patterns of fuel use and storage in migrating passerines in relation to fruit resources at autumn stopover sites. Auk 127, 108-118.
- Taves, M. D., Schmidt, K. L., Ruhr, I. M., Kapusta, K., Prior, N. H. and Soma, K. K. (2010). Steroid concentrations in plasma, whole blood and brain: Effects of saline perfusion to remove blood contamination from brain. PLoS ONE 5, e15727.
- Taylor, Z. J., Gurka, R., Kopp, G. A. and Liberzon, A. (2010). Long-duration time-resolved piv to study unsteady aerodynamics. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 59, 3262-3269.
- Thomas, R. H., Price, E. R., Seewagen, C. L., Mackenzie, S. A., Bernards, M. A. and Guglielmo, C. G. (2010). Use of TLC-FID and GC-MS/FID to examine the effects of migratory state, diet and captivity on preen wax composition in White-throated Sparrows Zonotrichia albicollis. Ibis 152, 782-792.
- Bauchinger, U. and McWilliams, S. (2009). Carbon turnover in tissues of a passerine bird: Allometry, isotopic clocks, and phenotypic flexibility in organ size. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 82, 787-797.
- Feeney, M. C., Roberts, W. A. and Sherry, D. F. (2009). Memory for what, where, and when in the black-capped chickadee (Poecile atricapillus). Animal Cognition 12, 767-777.
- Klaiman, J. M., Price, E. R. and Guglielmo, C. G. (2009). Fatty acid composition of pectoralis muscle membrane, intramuscular fat stores and adipose tissue of migrant and wintering white-throated sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis). Journal of Experimental Biology 212, 3865-3872.
- MacDougall-Shackleton, E. A., Potvin, D. A., Stewart, K. A. and Tennenhouse, E. (2009a). The rich get richer: song complexity predicts song element sharing and song output in song sparrows Melospiza melodia. Animal Behaviour 78, 141-146.
- MacDougall-Shackleton, S. (2009). The importance of development: What songbirds can teach us. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology 63, 74-79.
- MacDougall-Shackleton, S. A., Dindia, L., Newman, A. E. M., Potvin, D. A., Stewart, K. A. and MacDougall-Shackleton, E. A. (2009). Stress, song and survival in sparrows. Biology Letters 5, 746-748.
- MacDougall-Shackleton, S. A., Stevenson, T. J., Watts, H. E., Pereyra, M. E. and Hahn, T. P. (2009c). The evolution of photoperiod response systems and seasonal GnRH plasticity in birds. Integrative and Comparative Biology 49, 580-589.
- McCue, M. D., Amitai, O., Khozin-Goldberg, I., McWilliams, S. R. and Pinshow, B. (2009). Effect of dietary fatty acid composition on fatty acid profiles of polar and neutral lipid tissue fractions in zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 154, 165-172.
- McGuire, L. P. and Guglielmo, C. G. (2009a). What can birds tell us about the migration physiology of bats? Journal of Mammalogy 90, 1290-1297.
- McGuire, L.P., Fenton, M.B. and Guglielmo, C.G. (2009b). Effect of age on energy storage during pre-hibernation swarming in the little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus). Canadian Journal of Zoology 87, 515-519.
- Potvin, D. A. and MacDougall-Shackleton, E. A. (2009). Parental investment amplifies effects of genetic complementarity on growth rates in song sparrows, Melospiza melodia. Animal Behaviour 78, 943-948.
- Rae, L. F., Mitchell, G. W., Mauck, R. A., Guglielmo, C. G. and Norris, D. R. (2009). Radio transmitters do not affect the body condition of Savannah Sparrows during the fall premigratory period. Journal of Field Ornithology 80, 419-426.
- Smith, S. B. and McWilliams, S. R. (2009). Dietary macronutrients affect lipid metabolites and body composition of a migratory passerine, the white-throated sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis). Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 82, 258-269.
Student research theses conducted at AFAR
- Brown, E.K. (2018) Cognitive control of memory in nonhuman animals. PhD Thesis (Psychology), Emory University.
- Dick, M.F. (2017). The long haul: migratory flight preparation and performance in songbirds. PhD Thesis (Biology), University of Western Ontario.
- Jonasson, K.A. (2017). The effects of sex, energy, and environmental conditions on the movement ecology of migratory bats. PhD Thesis (Biology), University of Western Ontario.
- Ma, Y. (2018). Consequences of environmental mercury exposure on passerine migratory fitness and survival. PhD Thesis (Biology), University of Western Ontario.
- Mischler, S.K. (2017) The neural mechanisms underlying the perception and production of learned vocalizations in songbirds. PhD Thesis (Psychology), University of Western Ontario.
- Sarquis-Adamson Y. (2016). Ecological and evolutionary interactions between song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) and their bloodborne parasites. PhD thesis (Biology), University of Western Ontario
- Slade JWG. (2018). The major histocompatibility complex in song sparrows: immunity, signals, and mate choice. PhD thesis (Biology), University of Western Ontario
- Strang, C. (2018) Behavioural flexibility in bumblebees (Bombus impatiens). PhD Thesis (Psychology), University of Western Ontario.
- Crewe, T. L. (2015). Improving the use of migration counts for population monitoring. PhD Thesis (Biology), University of Western Ontario.
- Diniz, C. G. (2013). Ensaios estereológicos e análise comparativa da morfologia microglial em aves migratórias marinhas: Caracterização da formação hipocampal em Calidris pusilla e Actitis macularia, PhD Thesis, Universidade Federal do Pará, Brazil.
- Farrell, T. (2015). Developmental stress and the effects on physiological and cognitive-behavioural traits in European starlings. PhD Thesis (Psychology), University of Western Ontario.
- Feeney, M. C. (2010). Mental time travel in adult black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus). PhD Thesis (Psychology), University of Western Ontario.
- Gerson, A. R. (2012). Environmental physiology of flight in birds. PhD Thesis (Biology), University of Western Ontario.
- Guigueno, M. F. (2015). Sex and seasonal differences in cognition and the brain in Brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) are associated with brood parasitism. PhD Thesis (Biology), University of Western Ontario.
- Kirchhefer, A. (2012). The near wake of a European starling. PhD Thesis (Mechanical and Materials Engineering), University of Western Ontario.
- Kriengwatana, B. (2013). Timing of developmental stress and phenotypic plasticity: effects of nutritional stress at different developmental periods on physiological and congnitive-behavioral traits in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata). PhD Thesis (Psychology), University of Western Ontario.
- McCabe, B. (2015). Effects of age on energetics and digestive physiology of migratory birds. PhD Thesis (Biology), University of Western Ontario.
- McGuire, L. P. (2012). Physiological ecology of bat migration. PhD Thesis (Biology), University of Western Ontario.
- Newman, A. E. M. (2009). Neurosteroids and stress physiology in adult songbirds. PhD Thesis (Neuroscience), University of British Columbia.
- Sarquis-Adamson, Y. (2016). Ecological and evolutionary interactions between song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) and their bloodborne parasites, PhD Thesis (Biology), University of Western Ontario.
- Schmidt, K. L. (2013). Song as an Honest Indicator of Developmental Stress in Song Sparrows. PhD Thesis (Biology), University of Western Ontario.
- Seewagen, C. L. (2010). Stopover biology of migratory landbirds in a heavily urbanized landscape: the New York metropolitan area. PhD Thesis (Biology), University of Western Ontario.
- Taves, M.D. (2015). Local glucocorticoid regulation in avian and murine lymphoid organs. PhD Thesis, University of British Columbia.
- Baloun, D.E. (2017). Energetics of migratory bats during stopover: a test of the torpor-assisted migration hypothesis. MSc Thesis (Biology), University of Western Ontario.
- Beauchamp, A. (2018). Behavioural mechanisms of differential migration in White-throated Sparrows. M.Sc. thesis (Biology), University of Western Ontario.
- Brodbeck, M.I.R. (2017). Development of new methods to investigate the role of the avian hippocampus in memory formation in brown-headed cowbirds. MSc Thesis (Psychology), University of Western Ontario.
- Carter, C.S.N. (2018). The Effects of Perceived Predation Threat on Stress Response and Memory in Birds. MSc Thesis (Neuroscience), University of Western Ontario.
- Deakin, J. (2017). Behavioural mechanisms of protandrous spring migration in a Nearctic-Neotropical songbird. M.Sc. thesis (Biology), University of Western Ontario.
- Lovett EL. (2016). Population genetic structure and parasite communities in a nomadic songbird, the red crossbill (Loxia curvirostra). MSc thesis (Biology), University of Western Ontario
- Martin, R.J. (2017). Winter Warming Affects the Onset of Reproduction but not Cognition or The Hippocampus in Black-capped Chickadees (Poecile atricapillus). MSc Thesis (Biology), University of Western Ontario.
- Phelps, J.D. (2018). Imidacloprid Impairs Performance on a Model Flower Handling Task in Bumblebees (Bombus impatiens). MSc Thesis (Psychology), University of Western Ontario.
- Samuels, B. (2018). Comparative Study of Beat and Temporal Pattern Perception in a Songbird. MSc Thesis (Neuroscience), University of Western Ontario.
- Watson MJ. (2017). MHC class IIb diversity as a correlate of neutral-locus heterozygosity, and a predictor of overwinter return, in song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). MSc thesis (Biology), University of Western Ontario
- Alan, R. (2012). Oxidative stress, antioxidants, and patterns of frugivory in migratory songbirds. MSc Thesis (Biology). University of Rhode Island.
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- Barrett, M. C. (2012). Synaptic and systems memory consolidation in the black-capped chickadee (Poecile atricapillus). MSc Thesis (Neuroscience), University of Western Ontario.
- Boyer, A. (2015). Effects of recurrent inclement winter weather cues on white-throated sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis). MSc Thesis (Biology), University of Western Ontario.
- Boyles, M. (2011). Seasonal diet preferences for fatty acids differ between species of migratory passerine, are affected by antioxidant level, and relate to the fatty acid composition of wild fruits. MSc Thesis (Biology). University of Rhode Island.
- Cheng, N. (2015). Females in Control: Female Sensitivity to Predation Risk Affects Courtship and Reproductive Behaviours. MSc Thesis (Biology), University of Western Ontario.
- Diez Mendieta, B. A. (2013). Testing the template hypothesis of vocal learning in songbirds. MSc Thesis (Neuroscience), University of Western Ontario.
- Dudeck, B. (2015). Fear Of Predators Compromises Parental Care And Juvenile Survival In A Songbird. MSc Thesis (Biology), University of Western Ontario.
- Farrell, T. (2010). The effects of early nutritional stress on physiology, cognition and song production in European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris). MSc Thesis (Psychology), University of Western Ontario.
- Furlonger, A. (2011). The relationship between HPA regulation and fitness in a free-living population of song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). MSc thesis (Biology). University of Western Ontario.
- Guitar, N.A. (2016). Spatial memory in black-capped chickadees: studies of adult hippocampal neurogenesis and win-shift/win-stay spatial search. MSc Thesis (Psychology), University of Western Ontario.
- Hall, Z. J. (2011). The neuroplastic response of the song-control system to testosterone metabolites in the adult European starling (Sturnus vulgaris). MSc Thesis (Biology), University of Western Ontario.
- Hasstedt, M. R. (2015). Seasonality of the Stress Response in House Sparrows (Passer domesticus). MSc Thesis (Biology), University of Western Ontario.
- Hobbs, E. C. (2015). The effects of perceived predation risk on the avian brain. MSc Thesis (Biology), University of Western Ontario.
- Kennedy, L. V. (2012). Dynamics of fat and lean mass in refuelling migrant passerines measured using quantitative magnetic resonance. MSc thesis (Biology). University of Western Ontario.
- King, J. (2011). Anonymous and gene-linked microsatellite markers reveal no correlation between heterozygosity and song complexity in a wild population of song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). MSc thesis (Biology). University of Western Ontario.
- Kelly, T. (2014). Immune function and infection status is related to migration distance and phases of the annual cycle in song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). MSc thesis (Biology). University of Western Ontario
- Kewin, J. (2010). Genetic diversity, fitness and mating behaviour in song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). MSc thesis (Biology). University of Western Ontario.
- Kriengwatana, B. (2009). Melatonin, aggression, and social dominance in black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus). MSc Thesis (Psychology), University of Western Ontario.
- Kubli, S. (2011). Song complexity and stereotypy in the song sparrow (Melospiza melodia) as indicators of constitutive immune function. MSc thesis (Biology). University of Western Ontario.
- Lapierre, J. (2010). Song as a multi-component signal in song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) as measured using an acoustic location system. MSc thesis (Biology). University of Western Ontario.
- LeClair, D. (2012). Relative contributions of food and temperature to annual reproductive success in two tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) populations over 35 years. MSc Thesis (Integrative Biology), University of Guelph.
- Lovett, E. (2016). Population genetic structure and parasite communities in a nomadic songbird, the red crossbill (Loxia curvirostra). MSc Thesis (Biology), University of Western Ontario.
- Luloff, T. (2011). The effects of environmental cues on reproductive physiology of American goldfinches (Carduelis tristis). MSc Thesis (Biology), University of Western Ontario.
- MacGillivray, H. (2015). Natal philopatry in song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) predicts female cellular versus humoral immune function, but does not consistently predict parasitism. MSc thesis (Biology). University of Western Ontario.
- MacKenzie, S. A. (2010). A scale dependent examination of stopover desicions in migratory passerines at Long Point, Ontario. MSc Thesis (Biology), University of Western Ontario.
- Moore, S. D. (2013). Measuring vocal performance in song sparrows (Melospiza melodia), and its relationship to age, morphology and song complexity. MSc thesis (Biology). University of Western Ontario.
- Rooney, L. (2015). Malarial infection and immune investment in migratory warblers. MSc thesis (Biology). University of Western Ontario.
- Strang, C. G. (2011). Brain and behaviour in bumblebees (Bombus impatiens): Serial reversal learning and adult mushroom body development. MSc Thesis (Psychology), University of Western Ontario.
- Thurber, B. G. (2010). Daily flight timing and movement strategies of migrating landbirds: importance of local wind patterns. MSc Thesis (Biology), University of Western Ontario.
- Vandermeer, C. L. (2013). The effect of testosterone on the spring migratory phenotype of a North American songbird (Zonotrichia albicollis). MSc Thesis (Biology), University of Western Ontario.
- Walters, B. (2015). Tactics to Stay Alive: Predation Risk Alters Body Condition and Escape Behaviour. MSc Thesis (Biology), University of Western Ontario.
- Wiechers, A. A. (2012). Episodic-like memory for who and when in the black-capped chickadee (Poecile atricapillus). MSc Thesis (Psychology), University of Western Ontario.
- Zajac, D. M. (2010). Control of muscle fatty acid oxidation capacity and fatty acid transport proteins in migratory birds: effects of photoperiod and leptin. MSc Thesis (Biology), University of Western Ontario.
- Boivin, M. (2018) Visual context and spatial memory in black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus). BSc (Biology), University of Western Ontario.
- Churchman, E. (2018) The effect of leptin on migratory restlessness and body composition in white-throated sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis) BSc (Biology), University of Western Ontario.
- Fernando, A. (2018) The development of a technique to detect apoptosis caused by stress in songbirds. BSc (Biology), University of Western Ontario.
- Mollahajian, P. (2018) Seasonal changes in neurogenesis in the avian brain. BSc (Neuroscience), University of Western Ontario.
- Price, T. (2017). Quantifying avian mortality from bird-window strikes in a university campus setting. BSc Thesis, University of Western Ontario.
- Rodrigo, S. (2018) Neural activity in the yellow-rumped warbler (Setophaga coronatus) during migratory flight in a wind tunnel. BSc (Neuroscience), University of Western Ontario.
- Shoot, T. (2017) The role of temperature in zebra finches nest structure. BSc Thesis (Neuroscience), University of Western Ontario.
- Staples, W. (2018) Sparrow neurological response to olfactory predator cues. BSc Thesis (Psychology), University of Western Ontario.
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- Barrett, M. C. (2010). Effects of the protein synthesis inhibitor anisomycin on memory reconsolidation and food storing behaviour in Black-capped chickadees. BSc Thesis, University of Western Ontario.
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- Goldberg, N. (2009). A three-dimensional model of the chickadee brain. BSc Thesis, University of Western Ontario.
- Ho, J. (2015). Syllable sharing is not related to migration distance in male song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). BSc Thesis, University of Western Ontario.
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- Lester, L. (2011). Compensatory growth and flight performance in brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater). BSc Thesis, University of Western Ontario.
- Marshall, T. (2015). Diet preferences in migratory warblers. BSc Thesis, University of Western Ontario.
- McCallum, E.S. (2011). The effect of developmental stress on female song preference in the song sparrow (Melospiza melodia). BSc Thesis, University of Western Ontario.
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- Nightingale, I. (2013). The effects of experimentally manipulated weather variables on migratory restlessness of the white-throated sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis). BSc Thesis, University of Western Ontario.
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- Segreto, J.M. (2015). Unsteady aerodynamics during flapping flight of birds: analysis of the near wake field. BSc Thesis, Coastal Carolina University.
- Siddiqui, Z. (2012). Water balance and fuel use in response to dehydration stress in sparrows. BSc Thesis, University of Western Ontario.
- Snow, D. A. (2012). Sex differences in spatial working memory of Brown-headed cowbirds. BSc Thesis, University of Western Ontario.
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- Weaver, K. (2010). The effects of developmental stress on cognition and undirected song in European starlings, Sturnus vulgaris. BSc Thesis, University of Western Ontario.
- Westwood, N. (2013). Heterozygosity in the Eastern song sparrow (Melospiza melodia melodia) and its effect on fitness. BSc Thesis, University of Western Ontario.
- Wiechers, A. A. (2010). Examination of seasonal change in the hippocampus using endogenous markers for neurogenesis in black-capped chickadees. BSc Thesis, University of Western Ontario.